It is no secret that Walt Disney World is my favorite place in the world. I have loved it since I first visited in my teens and have returned about fifteen times. A few weeks ago we went as a family plus Hubby's high school varsity softball team. That's right the four of us, plus thirteen teenage girls, three parents, and Hubby's right hand man in all things softball. You may be asking yourself if I am crazy and the answer is a resounding yes!! My sister and her boyfriend met us there to partake in the excitement and obviously to help me out with my two little ones since Hubby was quite preoccupied. My final take on the trip: we survived! I am going to create a series of posts detailing our experiences, as we all know I can be a bit verbose!!
Day 1: We met at the school bus garage at 1:00 am, that's right AM. Waking two little ones to get on a bus is insane in itself, but it gets better. We had to travel by school bus, four and a half hours to the airport. Apparently the travel agent got us a "great" deal on tickets from this airport (I am not convinced). The kiddos were pretty good. They fell back asleep pretty easily. The problem was that the bus driver had to keep stopping - to stretch his legs or smoke or whatever - so the kiddos kept waking up. Mad Man was screaming at one point, so I removed him from his car seat and nursed him back to sleep. At another point T was melting down, so I took her out and cuddled her for a while. We finally made it to the airport with not as much time to spare as we had imagined, got the kiddos dressed, got breakfast and got on the plane. Then we were delayed for an hour on the runway. Good times with a toddler who wants to run around! T played with her Leap Pad the whole time and ate breakfast! The flight was turbulent, but went well. Mad Man slept almost the whole flight (unheard of for this little guy!). T was great and really loved the flight! Once we landed it was a mad dash to get the whole group to the Magical Express. For some reason we go the wrong way every time we go! We did manage to locate it...after a short jaunt around the terminal. Once on the bus Mad Man was antsy until the video came on. He was beyond excited each time he saw a character on the screen. He would scream with exuberance and point at the screen. It was hilarious! T fed off of his excitement and created her own. Then we had the ridiculously long wait outside the lobby while Hubby checked in the entire group. Now, God bless him, he has many talents, but traveling is not one of them. He is not a comfortable traveler, add the responsibility of thirteen teenagers to the mix and you have one very anxious, on edge man. While he checked in I chased the kiddos around the benches in front of the building. Mad Man was trying to eat the wood chips and run into the road. T Bear was playing in the bushes. By the time check-in was complete the kiddos were done and frankly so was I. Luckily our room was ready so we made our way there and dropped off the numerous carry-ons I was lugging around. I wanted to take the kiddos to get some lunch, but Hubby wanted to wait for all of the girls. So, I grabbed the hotel key and took off toward the restaurant with the kiddos in the double stroller. I miraculously found some things for the kiddos to eat and made my way to the check out. This is when the steam literally came out of my ears as I tried to use my room key to charge the meal to, only to find out the key was not set up to make charges. Seriously?! I have no idea why, since we have done that every other time, I guess Hubby decided to change the rules. So, I put back the food and stormed off to find Hubby. Luckily (for him) he was just entering the restaurant and we were able to remedy the situation, since he actually had his wallet with him. We sure make some team!
After lunch, which was not enjoyable as T Bear was melting down, we headed back to the room to relax. Mad Man was not interested in napping and T only wanted to go swimming. So, Hubby went off with the softball girls and I managed to get the kiddos in their bathing suits. At this point my dad showed up for a few minutes (he had been in Orlando on business and was flying home that evening). We all headed to the pool and then he had to leave. Too short for my liking. The kiddos and I swam for a while, when all of a sudden T said, "I have to go poop". Ugh. Of course. I hurried her out of the pool and told her to hold it. I had flashbacks of our previous times in the pool when she didn't quite hold it. Gross. I plopped them in the stroller and raced toward the room. Now, you may be thinking isn't here a bathroom a the pool? Why yes there is, however in my haste I didn't even think about it and took off for our room. We made it in time. Then we relaxed the rest of the day. Certainly a full day.
High: Experiencing the building excitement with the kiddos as we approached the hotel.
Low: All the waiting - on the bus, on the plane, during check-in.
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