Friday, December 6, 2013

Our Elf on the Shelf 2013 Adventures: Day 4

Let's just say that returning to work after a five day hiatus got the best of us.  I forgot to move Eli while I was downstairs, so I figured that I would do it in the morning.  Problem: both kiddos woke up way too early and T saw Eli in the same place as the day before.  Ugh.  So, I came up with the only excuse I could think of: Daddy couldn't sleep and spent the night pretty much awake on the couch.  This meant in my convoluted explanation that Eli couldn't fly back to the North Pole for fear that Daddy would see him.  Lame I know.  T thought he could fly back while we were all out of the house, no dice.  Huge failure. 

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