Friday, August 10, 2018

Parenting through a separation

Marriage is hard. That is an insane understatement. Maybe I never thought marriage should be hard. You have two people who fall in love, build a life together, start a family...sounds beautiful to me. The reality for me was not beautiful. It was laborious, disappointing, and ultimately unsuccessful and heartbreaking. After almost thirteen years of marriage we decided to try for a separation “a chance for  us to figure out how to be happy” is what we told the kiddos. Sweet, innocent, devastated kiddos - whose life was changed forever by that lame statement. I am going to try to write my way through this. It is in no way meant to be a tell-all, or a blame-game. I am going to focus on how I am parenting through this - which if I’m being honest has shown some of my lowest points of parenting. That certainly fits my theme of a roller coaster - which when I initially named my blog was meant to simply capture the highs and lows; I had absolutely zero notion of how low it would go.

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